What you can do to have a better conversation?

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Why is it important to be a good converse?

Having a better conversation is the core of business and life success. Moreover, to have the ability to converse freely, confidently, and, in most cases, briefly, are signals to people around you that you’re clever, self-assured, and confidant. And, most importantly, that you care about other people’s interests and thoughts.

What can affect you to have a better conversation?

Social media has an implication on our communication. It affects the way to have a normal face-to-face conversation with others. We often use conversation as a platform to express our feelings and thoughts, rather than to be a place for discussions.

Also, what can affect our ability to have a conversation is doing something else while someone is trying to have a conversation with us which can be frustrating.

The best ways to have a better conversation

Listen carefully

listen to have a better conversation

The core of all good conversation is the ability to listen. It’s hard to keep the focus on someone who talks but it’s the most important thing to do.

Most importantly, to have a better conversation is to listen carefully to what others said. Listen to people as they telling you the secrets of their life. In other words, listen to understand not to reply.

Use open questions

If you want to get a more interesting response in a conversation. Ask the people a descriptive question with an open-ended. Leave them to pause for a moment and think about your question. This way will assure you to have a very rich and fun talk. For instance, use How? Why? What do you think…? a type of question.

Consider your Audience point of view

During your day you are dealing with different ages and types of personnel from kids to leaders.  Therefore, always put yourself in other shoes. what their interests, what they care about, and what they know. Speak with them in terms of what both of you would understand and interested in.

Tell a story

tell story to have a better conversation

People are more attracted to stories. Telling a good story to your audience will attract them to your talks, and you will be assured that they will remember your talks and the points you make.

Try to remember every good story and tailor it to the topics you are talking about. As a result, People will hang out with every word you say only when it’s a good story.

Match your Body Language with your talks

Most communication between human beings is nonverbal. That is to say, Be smart on how you present your body language (your arms/hands moves, posture, and facial expression) to reflect what you are talking about, this will leave a huge impression on the people you talk with and gives your talks more credibility.

Have a Sense of Humor

have a better conversation with fun

Your conversers will have so much fun and memorable moments when everyone’s laughing. Laughter is the trigger of an endorphin which will facilitate social bonding. Everyone engaged with a funny man or woman they are the life of the party. Whatever your style use humor to lighten up the mood.

How to be the favorite person to have a better conversation with?

Above all, the most important thing to do to have a better conversation is to gain the trust of the people you talk with. Moreover, People want to share their thoughts and feelings with others they trust especially during difficult times.

Commit to yourself to preserve the integrity of keeping others’ secrets. You will stand out among others by proving you are trustworthy and a decent human being.

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