How to make a great first impression lasts for long?

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Why it is important to leave a good first impression?

Why it is important to leave a good first impression? To be honest, we all looking for other people’s opinions. It is important to leave a good first impression especially when you are meeting someone for the first time.

there are many situations you need to leave a great first impression of. For example, at work, job interviews, and when you meet your future spouses.

It only takes a quick glance, for someone to evaluate you when you meet for the first time. There are many things that make people form an opinion about you.

Creating the first impression

It is not impossible to change the first impression, it will take you a long time to change it. People always remember the first time they meet you. They said that ‘First impressions are the most lasting’.

Take control of your first impression and figure out how to make it. In addition, this impression will make a positive effect on your career and social life.

What are the most important things to make a first impression?

The most important thing is taking care of your speaking context. Choose the right topics with the right person. People attracted to the persons who know exactly what they say. In addition, watch your voice tone which plays a vital role.

Further, be sure to memorize the names of everyone you meet. There is nothing more compliment than using people’s names when you speak to them.

The effective ways of making a good first impression

Be on time

Being at the right place at the right time. Show respect for other people’s time. People will see you are diligent, prepared, and thoughtful. You are establishing a positive idea about yourself, that you are giving priority to other people’s time. It can affect your social life in the first place and your work life.

Control your body language

Communicate with people start with your body language first then your words. Use your body language to send signals to make a great first impression. For instance, smiling and using eye contact are some of the most important body language that makes people lose people to you.

On the other hand, avoiding some postures that might send a negative impression about yourself. For instance, crossed arms, legs, or feet and overuse of hands, looking at the watch, or phone. All these signs give the impression of discomfort, nervousness, and boredom.

Take care of your appearance

outfit affect you first impression

As we mentioned previously, your appearance plays an important role in your first impression. You can make a powerful first impression by appearing at your best in terms of attire and grooming.

It’s important, however, to choose the right attire for the right place. For example, dressing simply in some places is more suitable than a business suit. Make yourself appropriately presentable that will give an idea about how you are smart in choosing your outfit.

It doesn’t need a lot of money to dress well. you can make small changes in your outfit that will take care of your all appearance.

Your behavior tells a lots

Be at your best manners and polite, good behavior help make a good first impression. In fact, being less than polite can ruin your chance of making that first impression you want.

Small things can show your politeness and good behavior. For instance, turning off your mobile phone, ask for permission, avoid asking personal questions.

Also being a good listener showing politeness and don’t get sidetracked by other people. After all, don’t make people feel unimportant or even irritated by your behavior.

following up

After your first meeting with people. Don’t let them feel you are not interested in meeting them again, of course in case you are really interested in that.

Following up by sending thanks notes that you enjoy being with them or send any necessary information including presentation docs, next steps, etc.

The secret behind a good first impression

Good First Impression

The key to creating a great first impression aren’t secrets that are inaccessible. It’s a small thing that you need to make to leave an impression that will last a long time.

Being on time, use an appropriate outfit, behave in the right manners, body language, and follow up your meeting. All these things will help you to achieve your goal.

The good news is that most people already have these skills but they aren’t aware of the importance of these skills or How to use them to their advantage.

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