How to get motivated after COVID-19 and staying that?

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How to beat COVID-19 and get motivated?

Motivation is essential for productivity, creativity, and happiness. Motivation is the reason for willingness and actions. Our needs and desires need action to be realistic and the trigger for that is to Get Motivated. Furthermore, motivation is affected by many factors such as the environment, lifestyle, culture, and society are things that make human beings get motiviated or not. 

Our motivation witnessed an extraordinary circumstance while dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. We find ourselves struggling with an invisible enemy with no clear end in sight to get motiviated.

How life can be changed in one year?

Only took one year to change the way people dealing with their lives. It changed the way we work, learn, teach, and even changes the way we socialized with each other.

Millions of people lose their jobs; people start looking for any job just to provide them with the necessary items. This pandemic force people to leave their dreams and passion behind. and changed day-to-day lives across the globe.

Inspire yourself again after the pandemic

People’s fear of this enemy makes them reluctant about the future, adjusting to the new way of life, working from home has rationally taken its toll; challenges with mental and physical health makes people hesitate and more careful about their future choices.

People are avoiding making any new decisions that can be beneficial to them. Keep their motivation alive seems to be nowadays a mission impossible. But, I assure you all that is illusions, it’s not based on an accurate assessment of the risk in your life. Stand up, and inspire yourself by yourself.

How to discover the way to get motivated after the COVID-19?

You need first to admit that you have fears and obstacles. Then start looking for ways and techniques to deal with it. Bring back your motivation even if this will take time, it is something worth doing, even if this will be our new normal life, we should get our motivation back.

See also: How to become a great leader leading the change?

Five strategies to get motivated:

1. Developing an easy routine

get motivated by easy routine

Setting an easy physical routine that you cannot resist, by the time this routine will be your new habit. Sometimes motivation can’t be easy at the start. So, if you have an easy task to do every day that will boost your motivation incredibly without even you notice that.

You are going to find yourself eager to do that task every day. Importantly,  this will lead you to do more physical tasks which will motivate your mind to follow the pattern of your physical movements.

2. Keep your Social relations.

One of the guidelines and precautions that doctors told us to follow during the COVID-19 pandemic and still do is to keep the social distance. We should all stay safe and keep a social distance.

But, only keep a physical distance with people, you should keep your emotional distance closer and closer especially at this hard time. Tell your friends and your family what is your fears and concerns and let them help you to get motiviated again.

3. Set a Limitation to the time spent on the news.

Motivated news

Watching the news become part of our daily lives. It is important nowadays to stay updated on what is going in the world. Therefore, feeling distracted and depressed from what you are watching on the TV or social media. Unlike, will affect your motivation. So, what to do? instead of listening to what the media want you to listen to, do your own research and follow the news and topics that are transparent and unbiased.

4. It is ok to be not always productive

Being unproductive sometimes is normal, and acknowledging this fact is one of the ways that keep you motivated. what you are feeling in those hard times it’s temporary will not last for long.

People all over the world are suffering during the pandemic and they feel the guilt of being unproductive. It is important to know it’s normal and you are not alone in this unusual circumstance.

5. Make your own time for leisure

relax to get motivated

Make your own quality time and make it fixed. Do whatever makes you feel good. This will help you reduce the stress that you are facing on a daily basis. knowing that you have a fixed time for yourself will boost your energy for the rest of the day or week.

For example, going on a walk, watching your favorite show, reading a book with a cup of coffee, eating ice cream while sitting on the balcony, all these things can make a huge difference in your mood and mental health.

Get motiviated by asking Therapist

For many, COVID-19 has affected their mental health. They are being anxious and depressed, and it is likely that challenges could show a noticeable obstacle to motivation.

Seeking advice from experts with mental health will give you the chance to discuss in detail the core of your difficulty of staying motivated.

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