Do I spend too much time on social media?

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Why you are spending too much time on social media?

Our world now is a digital world. Many social media platforms have been made to connect people from all over the world within milliseconds. These platforms become part of our daily life routine.

No one can imagine living a day without connecting via Facebook, Twitter, etc. However,  the fact that people become addicted to these platforms can’t be deniable anymore.

Everyone has a reason for spending time on the internet. For instance, it’s a way of making friends, new relationships, employment opportunities, free Marketing, popularity, and entertainment.

Reasons may differ from one to one. However, the commonality between all of these reasons that people spending too much on social media to find what they want.

Are social media bad to you?

It looks like nothing major if you spend time on social media. But, day by day this will become a major thing that can take a serious toll on your mental and physical health.

Since connected to your family and friends who are living miles away from you is a good thing and brings happiness to you. Excess usage of that will turn back on you in a bad way.

How much time do you spend on social media?

To know if you are spending too much time on social media. You should first know the behaviors and habits you are doing on a daily basis that put you in the same category as the people spending that much time.

Here are the most important things you are doing on your day which indicate that you are spending too much time on social media:

It is the first thing you see on your phone

Spend time on social media

Checking your phone, the first thing you do when you wake up seems a normal thing. But, spending time scrolling your Facebook or Instagram, or other platforms. Surprisingly it is considered that you are spending too much time. Imagine what will happen one day if you wake up and you didn’t find your phone near to you. I think we all know the answer.

Social media is your main source of news

When we hear the word news all we can think about it is to turn the TV and watch a news channel. However,  most people are depending on Social media only as a source of the news, instead of using some credential news websites.

They spent countless times looking for the news only on those platforms, regardless of the other source of information, so that also can indicate you are spending too much time. 

see also: How to get motivated after COVID-19 and staying that?

Use it as time off

When you have time off from your work or between lectures at the university. Suddenly you find yourself handling your phone to check out your accounts on Instagram or Snapchat.

Taken advantage of these few minutes once you see a notification to sneak during your time off and start scrolling on your phone. Sacrificing quality time with your friends and loved ones while you are sticking to your phone.

 Being Anxious if you didn’t reach your phone

away from social media

You have this feeling of anxiousness if your phone is away from you and you cannot access your accounts on social media, you consider that a  bad day.

Sometimes people get creasy if they have a bad internet connection that makes them unable to reach their phones. Likewise, it’s another indication of spending too much time on social media.  

Sticking to your phone all the time

We have seen many places asking people to leave their phones while they are in their facilities. Why do you think they ask to do so? It is obvious that most of the people having their dinner or attend social events accompanied by their phones, not the people they come with.

if you spend most of your time holding your phones waiting for the sounds of the notifications. So I’m sorry to tell you if you doing this you are spending too much time also.

How to spend less time on Social media?

limitation on social media

The funny thing that is while I’m writing this article I discover I’m also spending too much time on social media!!!! It seems we all struggle with our phones, Facebook, and other platforms. Spending too much time on social media leads us to multitask which eventually will affect our brain.

Spending that time staring at the screen of our phones for hours will lead to losing the quality time that our family and friends deserve. Set a limitation to the time you spend on social media. That will help break out of this habit of mindlessly scrolling social media platforms.

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