Are you in a toxic relationship?

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How to know you are in a toxic relationship?

Why it’s called a toxic relationship? A  relationship called toxic when it poisons your mind, spirit, and your body with negative ideas about yourself. You can no more recognize yourself in this kind of relationship.

This relationship drives you to the conclusion, that it’s all your fault why your relationship with your partner is miserable. You find yourself fights for something it is clear it will be over sooner no later.

You don’t have any support or encouragement in your relationship, you are stuck with a partner who always judges your actions and attitude.

The top 5 signs of a toxic relationship.

Your partner is constantly underestimated you

You are in a relationship that always puts you down and makes you feel you are not doing enough for your partner. The other part always criticizing you starting from the smallest of things like your outfit, and your hair cut to a bigger thing your job, family, and friends.

We all can be critical and irritating occasionally. But when it’s continual and your partner keeps make you unhappy about yourself and your life defiantly that’s a warning sign you are in a toxic relationship. and it raises a red flag that you must not ignore.

You always make compromises in the relationship.

Compromising is normal in any relationship. But it’s normal only when it comes from both sides, not one of the sides. If you are the one who gives the most while your partner is only taking.

And you are backing down your decisions for the best of other parts. So without any doubt, you are in a toxic relationship.

You aren’t yourself around that person.

Not yourself in a toxic relationship

You are faking everything in your life, your smile, your behavior, and your feeling while you are around that person. And not being able to speak what in your mind in front of your partner.

By the time you realize you don’t recognize yourself anymore, and it will be noticeable to your closest friends and family that you are acting differently.

You don’t enjoy a good time with your partner.

Nothing happy about being around your partner. Every day is a challenge in your life around them. They always turn the good moment into a fight.

You feel you don’t deserve to be happy anymore. It all about their happens and desires. Their attempt is to control your happiness by controlling your behavior.

Controlling and jealous.

Your partner is controlling everything in your life. They didn’t handle the idea that you are better than in some areas. There are always questioning you about what you are doing in your free time, and doesn’t allow you to be by yourself. That’s a clear sign of a toxic relationship.

What to do if you are in a toxic relationship?

If you’re experiencing one of these signs, you should be aware of this relationship.It is doing more damage to your life more than you can imagine. You should evaluate the relationship.

Think if it’s really worth it to stay in this relationship. However, believe your instinct when it tells you that you should leave, you won’t be sorry, instead, it might be the right decision you will take in your life.

 How to be free from toxic relationships?

freedom from toxic relationship

When it’s come to let something from your life. Is becoming the hardest decision you make. This needs strength and courage to end a relationship it hurt more and to get over.

There are many factors that keep you locked in a toxic relationship. Some of us are afraid of leaving because they felt no one will accept them. Others afraid of changing the way they live.

Get your confidence again and free yourself from the denial Whatever, the reason be, for having this relationship. As result, you will feel you are getting your life back on the right track.

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